Book Project
Making Climate Knowledge Actionable: Adaptation and the Politics of Protection on a Warming Planet (under advanced contract with Columbia University Press)
Journal Articles
2023. “Multilateralism of the Marginal: Least Developed Countries in International Climate Negotiations,” American Journal of Sociology, 129(3): 796-855 (w/Jean -Philippe Cointet).
2021. “The Treadmill of protection: How public finance constrains climate adaptation,” The Anthropocene Review, 8(2) : 196-218.
2021. “Hazardous simulations: Pricing climate risk in U.S. coastal insurance markets,” Economy and Society 50(2) : 196-223.
2017. “Marketization as Political Technology: Unintended consequences of climate finance in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” Economy and Society 43(3-4), 545-575.
2014. “Three Maps and Three Misunderstandings: A digital map of climate diplomacy,” Big Data and Society 1(1), 1-19 (w/Tommaso Venturini, Nicholas Baya-Lafitte, Jean-Philippe Cointet, Vinciane Zabban, and Kari de Pryck).
Book Chapters
2022. “Damage Functions”. In N. Axel, N. Hirsch, D. Barber, & A. Vidokle (Eds.), Accumulation: The art, architecture, and media of climate change. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. (Early version available online here)
Public Scholarship, Commentary, Reports
2021. With Stephanie Barral. “A (rapid) climate audit of economic sociology,” The European Electronic Newsletter of Economic Sociology 22(3): 4-9.
2020. “Outrunning the Anthropocene? Countering coastal land loss by the rapid restoration of salt marshes.” Anthropocene Curriculum Journal, March 8.
2019. With Gretchen Bakke. “Pacific Gas and Electric is a company that was just bankrupted by climate change. It won’t be the last.” Monkey-Cage Blog at The Washington Post, January 30.
2010. With Nelson, G., Rosegrant, M., Palazzo, A., Ingersoll, C., Roberson, R., Tokgoz, S., Zhu, T., Sulser, T., Ringler, C., Msangi, S., and You, L. 2010. Food Security, Farming and Climate Change to 2050, International Food Policy Research Institute Policy Research Monograph, Washington D.C.